
. Tamaskan G1 .
Nox / Fin Raziel du Lignage
out of Ayla x Merlin . 08/09/2017
Wolflookalike Database
Very lucky, I was able to see Nox birth, and had the chance to choose the color of her puppy collar : blue. I guess it was meant for us to be together.
She is the last born of a litter of 6, and since the beginning a very big girl. She is now the biggest of her litter with a 69/70cm high.
The first time I met Nox, she was only a week old, looking like a huge black potato covered with fur. The second time, she was a month old, sleeping all the time (preferably on some cardboards) chubby and adorable, already so calm with a strong temperament…
And then, the third time, the 3rd of November 2017, we drove to Yule Tamaskans’ place to pick her up ( Amandine took her from her breed for us, as she adopted Rùni, one of Nox sisters).
Since day one, I walked her alone with me in Vincennes, so we bond strongly together, meeting lots of dogs and people everyday.
She learned very quickly to walk unleashed in the busy streets (very carefully).
Nox has a strong temperament. She is very calm, very listening. But she can be very tough as well, when she is uncomfortable – as she’s been attacked/harassed several times by other dogs as a puppy-
People are always amazed when we’re discussing in town, Nox unleashed, and staying around us, almost without moving. ♡
She is also very good at posing for pictures, and she is v e r y food motivated.
⇾ Breeding
Nox is a registered breeding bitch for the Tamaskans :
- Nox’ profile on the Tamaskan Dog Register website
- Nox’ is also accepted at the Internationnal Tamaskan Register website
⇾ Health